
Carnegie Mellon University is located in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Travel by Airplane

There are several commercial airlines offering flights to Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT). Upon arrival to the airport, transit options to Carnegie Mellon University and Conference Hotels include rental cars, taxi / rideshare services, and public bus.

The most cost-effective method of reaching the Conference Hotels is via bus using Pittsburgh Regional Transit, priced at $2.75 per person in cash without change offered or mobile ticketing. For the Oaklander Hotel and Wyndham Hotel, take a 1 hour trip using bus route 28X to the Oakland neighborhood. For the Hyatt Hotel, take a 1.5 hour trip using bus route 28X to downtown and transfer with several route options to the final destination. In comparison, a rideshare service can be expected to cost at least $40 for a 30-40min trip without traffic.

Travel by Train

Amtrak provides train service to downtown Pittsburgh. Upon arrival to Pittsburgh Union Station, transit options to Carnegie Mellon University and Conference Hotels include rental cars from Enterprise, taxi / rideshare services, and public bus.

Travel by Bus

Greyhound (at 11th St and Penn Ave) and Megabus (at 10th St and Penn Ave) provide bus service to downtown Pittsburgh. Upon arrival to Pittsburgh stations, transit options to Carnegie Mellon University and Conference Hotels include rental cars from Enterprise, taxi / rideshare services, and public bus.

Student Travel Support

Reimbursements of up to $500 for transportation (airfare or mileage) and housing accommodations are available to Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students attending ISAM.

Note, authors of student posters are given priority for student travel support.

Fill out a Student Travel Support Application