Committees Meet the committee members running ISAM 2023! Symposium Chair Diana Haidar Associate Professor of the PracticeCarnegie Mellon University Program Chair Daniela FaasAssociate Professorof the PracticeOlin College of Engineering Workshop Co-Chairs Cody SoskaTechnical SpecialistCarnegie Mellon University Diana Haidar Associate Professorof the PracticeCarnegie Mellon University Symposium Coordinator Jackson HolbrookDirector of TechnologyGeorgia Tech Workshop Committee Members Bill NaceTeaching ProfessorCarnegie Mellon University Jim McGuffin-CawleyProfessorCase Western Reserve Joey GottbrathTechnical Lab DirectorUC Berkeley Robert ZachariasAssistant Teaching ProfessorCarnegie Mellon University Program Committee Members Carly BenishShop ManagerUW-Madison Christian RamsauerProfessorTU Graz Craig ForestProfessorGeorgia Tech George MooreDistinguished Postdoctoral FellowMIT Jim McGuffin-CawleyProfessorCase Western Reserve Joey GottbrathTechnical Lab DirectorUC Berkeley Jonathan HuntAssociate DirectorMIT Marlo KohnAssociate DirectorStanford University Martin CulpepperProfessorMIT Robert ZachariasAssistant Teaching ProfessorCarnegie Mellon University Susan FingerProfessorCarnegie Mellon University Vincent WilczynskiProfessorYale University